Rw & Ex Acrosport 2º ESO
1. Complete the following sentences:
a) Acrobatic Gymnastics is a _______ competition accompanied by _________.
b) It is a sport that needs physical _________, stamina, rhythm, ________ and balance. It is a team sport, so your _________ depends on you.
c) It is a very ______ activity, Egyptians did human pyramids more than 2000 years ago.
2. If we do a pyramid of four people, why do we form groups of five or six?
3. Complete:
When we build a structure, we must start from the ___________, and it must grow to the _________.
4. Match each word or expression with its meaning:
Allowed Ser mantenido
Helpers Necesarios
To be held Seguridad
Skills Permitido
To develop Habilidades
Needed Ayudantes
Safety Desarrollar
5. Draw three different pyramids for the following groups: (Use dummies)
a) Pyramids in pairs
b) Pyramids in groups of three
c) Pyramids with an inversion
d) Benches