
How to play volleyball: Basic skills

Publicado en Volleyball

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The three basic serves in volleyball are the underhand serve, overhand serve and jump serve. Learn how to serve a volleyball in this free educational sports video. Expert: Keith Sewell Bio: Keith Sewell has played competitive volleyball for over 12 years, four of those years (1999-2003) were spent on the Texas A&M Men's Volleyball team. Filmmaker: Keith Sewell

A pass, also called a bump or an underhand pass, is usually the first of three contacts allowed per side of the court. Learn how to pass a volleyball in this free educational sports video. Expert: Keith Sewell Bio: Keith Sewell has played competitive volleyball for over 12 years, four of those years (1999-2003) were spent on the Texas A&M Men's Volleyball team. Filmmaker: Keith Sewell

In volleyball, setting occurs after the ball is passed to the setter. Learn how to set a volleyball in this free educational sports video. Expert: Keith Sewell Bio: Keith Sewell has played competitive volleyball for over 12 years, four of those years (1999-2003) were spent on the Texas A&M Men's Volleyball team. Filmmaker: Keith Sewell

Spiking the volleyball, or hitting the ball across the net, is an important volleyball skill. Learn how to spike a volleyball in this free educational sports video.

In volleyball, blocking is a key defense move done by defensive players at the net. Learn how to block a volleyball in this free educational sports video. Expert: Keith Sewell Bio: Keith Sewell has played competitive volleyball for over 12 years, four of those years (1999-2003) were spent on the Texas A&M Men's Volleyball team. Filmmaker: Keith Sewell

In volleyball, diving for the ball is necessary if it is too far away to get to by running. Learn how to dive for a volleyball in this free educational sports video. Expert: Keith Sewell Bio: Keith Sewell has played competitive volleyball for over 12 years, four of those years (1999-2003) were spent on the Texas A&M Men's Volleyball team. Filmmaker: Keith Sewell

How to play volleyball. Basic rules

Publicado en Volleyball

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You can see the subtitles by clicking the "CC" red button on the video control bar.

The first video in this series. You can watch all of them at www.expertvillage.com. To get started playing volleyball, you'll need a ball, a net, and an indoor or outdoor court.

Get a basic overview of the rules and objective of the game of volleyball, including how to score points and how to win, in this free volleyball video lesson. Expert: Keith Sewell Bio: Keith Sewell has played competitive volleyball for over 12 years, four of those years (1999-2003) were spent on the Texas A&M Men's Volleyball team. Filmmaker: Keith Sewell

When a volleyball team wins a rally, they get to serve, and all the players must rotate one position clockwise. Learn how to rotate in volleyball, and get tips on volleyball rules, in this free educational sports video. Expert: Keith Sewell Bio: Keith Sewell has played competitive volleyball for over 12 years, four of those years (1999-2003) were spent on the Texas A&M Men's Volleyball team. Filmmaker: Keith Sewell