Acrosport choreographies from competitions and shows

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Acro World Championship 2010 Final: Hungarian Trio

acrobatics world championship 2008 china MG combined final

2012 Acrobatic Worlds - LAKE BUENA VISTA, USA - Women's Group Final

The combined exercise of the European Champion mixed pair. I simply love this exercise, they make it look so easy, so playful. This pair have a bright future ahead, I think. (Though that is to be expected with 28 hours of training per week.) Val Gelder Julie (14), Pauwels Sam (17) Score: 28.800 (second best score on the day of the finals [first was Ukraine senior men's pair]) Diff:10.000 Exe:9.500 Art:9.300 Music: West Side Story: In the gym

As the title says. Many of you asked for our balance exercise so here it is. The one we performed at the Europeans. Score:27.150 Diff: 10.00 Ex: 8.700 Art: 8:450 This is the exercise I was most proud of. It was the 9th best balance exercise in Junior competition. That is the best we could have hoped for, considering that we have been together for only a year, and our top started acro with us. Congratulation to everyone who competed!


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