2º ESO: Alternative Games 3: Juggling

Publicado en Old ones

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Juggling is a skill that consists in moving one or more objects at the same time for entertaining.

There are many ways of juggling: throwing and catching the objects, bouncing them (balls) or contact juggling (move the object around your body with constant contact).

What objects do jugglers use? Balls, bean or rice bags, handkerchiefs, rings, knives, clubs, diabolos, devil sticks...

We are going to learn some basic skills with balls.


You must start with only one ball to be able to progress correctly. Be patient!!

The first and most important thing to learn is to throw and catch one ball correctly.  

Hold both hands in front of you with your palms facing up. Try to throw the ball about as high as the top of your head.

The goal is to have the ball land in the other hand, so the most important thing is to thow it accurately.

You must catch it with the other hand without moving it. Do not reach up to catch the ball; the ball must land on your hand.

Now practice throwing one ball from one hand to the other, with diffent trajectories: high, low...

A little more difficult: Throw it from your back, between your legs...


Remember that in class we do much more exercises. Practice them!

Now look at this video from www.monkeysee.com



Now that you have mastered this, we can start with two balls:



You must first start exploring your possibilities, as you did with one ball.

So hold one ball in each hand , an throw them at the same time and at the same height. Catch them.

Practice different cathes.

Now alternate throwings. Throw one ball, and when this one reaches its peak, throw the other one, so that one one is up, the other is down.

Remember that in class we do much more exercises. Practice them!

b1: Two balls in one hand:

This develops your coordination before starting with three balls.

Hold two balls with one hand, and place your other hand at your back. Throw one ball up, and when it reaches the peak, throw the other one.
Catch them.
Remember it is more important to throw than to catch. Focus in throwing correctly, so that the balls fall into your hand.
At the beginning, the balls will fall to the floor. But if you throw correctly instead of chasing the balls, you will juggle in no time.

Remember that in class we do much more exercises. Practice them!

Now look at this video from www.monkeysee.com


b2: Exercises with two balls:


You must first start exploring the possibilities, as you did with one ball.

So hold one ball in each hand , an throw them at the same time and at the same height. Catch them.
Practice different cathes.

Now alternate throwings. Throw one ball, and when this one reaches its peak, throw the other one, so that one one is up, the other is down.

Remember that in class we do much more exercises. Practice them!

Now look at this video from www.monkeysee.com


Then, the first 2 throws will be the same as you just did with 2 balls... but when ball 2 is coming down, throw up ball 3.

If you catch them all, they will each land in the opposite hand from where they started.

Remember, pause between each throw and try to throw each ball to the same height.

The important thing is to throw three times.  Do not worry if you don´t catch the three of them. The first times you do this, some may fall.
If you don´t throw the third ball because you are chasing the second one, no juggling is possible!!

Just make 3 throws and then stop and relax. Try to throw with more accuracy each time until the three balls land in their place, without chasing them.


Remember that in class we do much more exercises. Practice them!

Now look at this video from www.monkeysee.com

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